
Consultations for Respiratory Disease and Sleep Disorders (including Insomnia)

Consultation for respiratory disease and all sleep disorders is available at Sleep WA. To undergo consultation, you will need a current referral from your General Practitioner (GP), specialist or approved allied health care provider.

Of note, specialist consultation may not be required prior to some testing services.  Speak to your GP or alternatively contact our rooms to confirm if you will need to see a specialist prior to the test you are referred for.  If applicable, this pathway may be more affordable and reduce wait times for Diagnosis and treatment.

Specialist Consultation for Respiratory Disease, Sleep Disorders and Insomnia is available with Dr Jack Philpott. Dr Philpott is an experienced and distinguished leader in Respiratory and Sleep Medicine. Originally from Adelaide, he completed his basic physician training at Royal Adelaide Hospital.

He later relocated to Perth and completed his sleep and respiratory training at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital. Dr Philpott served as head of the department of Respiratory Medicine at Royal Perth Hospital for 3 years and has been in private practice in Perth for over 20 years. Dr Philpott is available for consultation at the Hollywood Medical Centre in Nedlands and at Waikiki Private Hospital in Rockingham.

Contact Us or phone 1300 570 700 today to request a consultation.